
Tuesday 15 January 2013

5 Best Tools to Convert Speech to Text

Posted by Unknown on 09:25 1 comments

 Best For All
Computers are not only designed for non challenged people. They are also made for challenged people. Persons who live in the world by taking life as a challenge really needs a computer to achieve big in the world. People who cannot be able to type, can better use tools that can convert speech to text. They may just dictate to their computer so that the computer recognizes the speech and convert to appropriate text. Most of the software tools that are being developed now has more accuracy in recognizing voice. This has become more easier to communicate with computer
People who prepare documents or who types more documents can use such tools to convert speech to text. These tools may make bloggers to create posts in less time. Good bloggers usually create genuine content on their blog. A person who have a better writing skill will not always have a better communication skill. Grammar is not much essential while speaking but while writing, it must be considered to the most. Practicing with Speech to text tools not only makes you to create documents easily but also improves your perfect reading and communication skills.

A person might have a better writing skill than communication skill. The reason may be due to stage fear. You can follow one of my powerful tips so that you can improve your communication skills: Remove Stage Fear by making Videos Online.

Now, coming to the topic, I have some tools that will help you to convert speech to text. If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, then you can use Windows Speech Recognition Tool to dictate to your computer. You will really become a BOSS! Your computer just types what you say.
Convert Speech to Text 
Where can I find Windows Speech Recognition? Just head here: Start > All Programs > Accessories > Ease of Access > Windows Speech Recognition.
Besides Windows Speech Recognition Tool, I will share 5 tools with which you can convert speech to text.

#1 Dragon NaturallySpeaking
 This is the most popular software to convert speech to text. This software was first developed by IBM but later, Nuance acquired it. Now, IBM does not holds this software anymore. Nuance is working hard to develop Dragon NaturallySpeaking. This software detects the speech more accurately than any other. Dragon NaturallySpeaking is not a freeware and money should be spent to buy them. It really works fast and converts your speech to text easily.

#2 VoxSigma
VoxSigmais is specially designed for Unix/Linux operating systems. It is not developed for Windows yet. May be, they do in future. VoxSigma works efficiently in OpenSuse, SuSE, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Fedora, Cent OS and even Mac OS X. VoxSigma, which is developed by Vocapia Research provides around 90% accuracy results. If you are a professional user and would require large amount of data to be processed, then you can request them for such stuffs. They may help you.

#3 E-Speaking
E-Speaking is a small tool that can run in a low configured computer. It is free to download and easier to use. E-Speaking is available only on Windows Operating system. E-Speaking uses SAPI and .NET technologies to work with Windows. They perfectly integrate with Office and the latest Microsoft Technologies so that a user can feel much easier to dictate on his Windows.

#4 TalkTyper
TalkTyper is a free online tool with which you can convert speech to text easily. The online tool allows you to input speech in different languages. TalkTyper supports languages like Melayu, Polski, Português, Español and more. Your browser must be capable of integrating your microphone with the tool. If you are using Google Chrome, then you can easily speak with it but other browsers which do not come with Adobe Flash Players may require an addition plugin to input your speech. TalkTyper also allows you to print, Email, tweet or Translate your speech text. Thus your work is made simpler.

#5 QuickStart
QuickStart is developed by VoxForge. We already discussed about VoxSigma but VoxForge is different from VoxSigma. Still, both functions the same. QuickStart is available for both Windows and Linux. QuickStart is an open source project and is available free for download.
Do you use any other awesome tools to convert speech to text? Just comment here. Our readers will find you nice!

1 Response so far:

StephaniePumphrey said...

The best part about voice over is it doesn’t require any registration and you can start using it right away.

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