
Wednesday 30 January 2013

Nokia starts rolling out Windows Phone 7.8 update for Lumia series

Posted by Unknown on 23:27 0 comments

The long, excruciating wait is finally over as Nokia starts pushing out the WP7.8 update for its existing phones, bringing the users of a phone from the past up to speed with modern times.
Nokia has finally announced the Windows Phone 7.8 update for WP7 devices will now be officially rolling out. The update has been long awaited by many and caused quite a stir when they appeared last month on some online forums. However today, we have the official builds being seeded directly by Nokia’s own servers to its devices.
Back last year, when Microsoft announced Windows Phone 8, many users of the Lumia devices suffered a great let down when they found out that their newly bought phones would not be part of the upgrade plan. However, Microsoft assured the people that it was committed to the Windows Phone 7 OS, and would continue to support it. With that, they announced Windows Phone 7.8, an update that would cosmetically unite the two factions of their mobile operating system.
With WP7.8, users get to enjoy resizable live tiles from the newer OS along with re-branding of Zune to Xbox Music and the new Xbox Games icons have been changed, plus the Bing lock screen wallpaper feature. If you’re looking for an official statement on what’s being packaged into this update, here is a list from the two parties involved:
From Microsoft:
  • New homescreen experience with more room for your Live Tiles. Now resizable.
  • Set the Bing image of the day as the Lock Screen wallpaper.
  • Pocket and child Lock screen Security
  • 20 new accent theme colours
From Nokia:
  • Bluetooth Share (for DRM free media files)
  • Cinemagraph add-on to create blend and photo and movie-like animation, creating photos that are alive
  • New camera lenses to remove unwanted objects in your photos such as passers-by or people on the edge of the shot the spoil the photo.
  • Updated Contacts Transfer application
  • Updates Contact Share application
  • Ringtone Maker application
The update has just begun rolling out, but it is possible that it may not yet be available in your particular region. When it does become available, your phone will show a notification and you can then proceed to update the phone through the Zune software. Currently the Windows Phone 7.8 update supports Lumia 900, 800, 710, 610 and 510.

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