
Wednesday 30 January 2013

RIM is now BlackBerry; launches new OS and devices

Posted by Unknown on 08:14 0 comments

BlackBerry 10 has really transformed Research in Motion, a brand that was recognised around the world after its smartphones. So, the company will now be called Blackberry. This was announced by CEO Thorsten Heins at the launch of the company's much awaited operating system and devices. "It is one brand, one promise."

Along with the new operating system, Heins also announced the launched of the new devices, the full-touch Z10 and the Q10, which will come with the trademark QWERTY keypad. "These devices aggregate information for me intuitively," said Heins, adding that they made the Q10 for people who said they just had to have a physical keyboard.

BlackBerry 10 gives a "peek" into your work whatever you are doing. So if you are watching a video and the alert glows, you can just peek with a movement of the finger without leaving your video. Everything is one-handed with on the BlackBerry Hub, which is the one-stop-shop for all you work and entertainment. You can do everything from tweeting to checking mail without leaving this screen.

The new OS also pulls details about people in your contacts including their photos, past engagements, social updates and even educational qualifications. His comes with a historical timeline for all the contacts, all without leaving the Blackberry Hub. Meanwhile, the new keyboard lets your just flick words without actually typing them.

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